Millions of new books are published in the U.S. every year. How are you going to compete and get the attention your book deserves?
Many books, especially in today's overcrowded publishing marketplace, never make it into chain and independent bookstores or they don't reach the core audiences they are intended for online.
Why? They're not professionally edited, designed, titled, and priced or they use the wrong format for their genre. In essence, they never make it past the gatekeepers—the buyers who order stock for their bookshelves, buyers at wholesalers, or the discerning consumer. And even if they do get on the shelves, they underperform unless they are effectively marketed. (How can readers buy a book they don't know exists?)
Avoid the common, but fatal, publishing mistakes
To be successful in publishing, authors and publishers need to follow certain criteria from the get-go. We can help you understand these key criteria, guide you through the complexity of the publishing process, and help you bypass the common—and avoidable—mistakes that plague many authors and publishers.
Our award-winning publishing services can help you create books that are professionally packaged, published, and promoted—from A to Z. We can help you get picked up by a top book distributor for printed and ebook sales to the U.S. and international markets.
The highly professional work we do gives our clients’ books the greatest potential for success and the ability to effectively compete with the finest books in their genre in all venues, not just on Amazon.com.
Do it right from the start and save yourself time, money,
and sleepless nights.
• Do you want to get your book (including ebook) published or sold and don't know where to start?
• Are you looking for someone who can edit and design your book with just the right title, subtitle, cover design and back cover copy?
• Do you need to find a distributor (who will actively sell your book to wholesalers, physical and online bookstores, and libraries)?
• Are you searching for the most effective, and cost-effective, ways to advertise, promote, and sell to your target audience, including online book launches, social media setups, and social media training?
• Do you want to advertise in key national magazines at discounted rates?
• Do you want to sell foreign rights and translation rights for your book worldwide?
• Do you need a book proposal that sizzles?
Contact the expert publishing coaches at Yorwerth Associates.